Linode Status - Incident
Feb 10, 22:38 UTC
Scheduled - A maintenance window has been scheduled for the Linode Manager and API on Tuesday, February 10th between 10:00pm and 11:00pm EST (GMT-5). We expect this maintenance to take approximately 30 minutes, but it is possible it will last the full 1 hour duration of the window. Linodes will not be affected by this maintenance, but the Linode Manager and API will be unavailable.
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Scheduled - A maintenance window has been scheduled for the Linode Manager and API on Tuesday, February 10th between 10:00pm and 11:00pm EST (GMT-5). We expect this maintenance to take approximately 30 minutes, but it is possible it will last the full 1 hour duration of the window. Linodes will not be affected by this maintenance, but the Linode Manager and API will be unavailable.
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