Guest Posting Unauthroized


Hosting Customer
Hi, we just had a "guest," someone who is no longer registered post on our forum. Any ideas how that happens and what I need to do to alleviate in the future? I had already denied them access on the site. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you sure it's not just an old post from before their account was deleted? Deleting an account makes their post owned by the guest user in XenForo.
I have already deleted them. There hasn't been anything else, so maybe we got that taken care of. I just permanently deleted the post. Thanks!
Hey Matt, can you tell me how to set up a gift subscription on my site? I've got it set up in admin, but wondering if I just need to manually upgrade the person the subscription is purchased for. Thanks!
Hey Matt, can you tell me how to set up a gift subscription on my site? I've got it set up in admin, but wondering if I just need to manually upgrade the person the subscription is purchased for. Thanks!
You set it as part of the subscription, and configure which group they get added to once the payment clears.
Thanks, I was hoping that I could also somehow give the purchaser the option to put the (person being gifted) name into the subscription.
You'd need an addon to do that. You can't purchase on someone else's behalf in the default setup.