
  1. Matt

    phpMyAdmin Security Release

    Thanks to easiii for the heads up phpMyAdmin Releases Critical Software Update — Patch Your Sites Now! If you are running phpmyadmin on your servers, please ensure you update you local install.
  2. Matt

    ImageMagick Remote Command Execution Vulnerability As per the thread, last night thanks to the heads up from eva2000 , I've already applied the patch to the policy.xml files for all servers that I manage for people where you have ImageMagick installed. eg...
  3. L

    Litespeed LSWS 4.2.24 and 5.0.2 Released to address OpenSSL secuirty vulnerability

    LiteSpeed Web Server 4.2.24 and 5.0.2 have just been released! Both versions have updated OpenSSL to address CVE-2015-1793. All LSWS users are recommended to upgrade ASAP. New release also improved mod_security engin to work better with OWASP core rule set and improved compatibility with Plesk...