Wanting to start a new forum, but don't know where to begin?
I can help you purchase your first XenForo licence, and install the board for you, or you can use a licence you already have.
The installation can be on any hosting platform of your choice, as long as there is FTP access with a MySQL database.
This should take no longer than 60 minutes to have you site up and running, ready for you to start making it your own.
I can help you purchase your first XenForo licence, and install the board for you, or you can use a licence you already have.
The installation can be on any hosting platform of your choice, as long as there is FTP access with a MySQL database.
This should take no longer than 60 minutes to have you site up and running, ready for you to start making it your own.
- Payment Links
- Requirements
- Your website URL
- FTP Details for your website
- MySQL Database details
- The required directory for the XenForo installation
- The required super admin username / password / e-mail address for the initial account to be set up