Create a new file called process.txt in the /root/scripts folder (you might need to also make the /root/scripts folder)
Get a list of the processes you want to monitor from the ps -ef output
and add them to this file.
The case statement in the middle is what is used to restart them, so you need to change these to suite the specific processes you are monitoring and wanting to restart.
Add an entry to the crontab
This will attempt to restart the process if it's down. It won't tell you why it's down, and if it won't restart, you will get notified every 1 minute until you can figure why it's down and broken.
Get a list of the processes you want to monitor from the ps -ef output
echo "Checking all processes are running....";
for i in `/bin/cat /root/scripts/process.txt`
[ $(ps aux | grep -e "$i" | grep -v grep | wc -l | tr -s "\n") -eq 0 ];
echo -e "$i is down...attempting restart" | mail -s "$i is down, restarting" "MYEMAILADDRESS"
case "$i" in
*java* ) /usr/bin/systemctl restart elasticsearch.service;;
*memcached* ) /usr/bin/systemctl restart memcached.service;;
*mysqld* ) /usr/bin/systemctl restart mariadb.service;;
*postfix* ) /usr/bin/systemctl restart postfix.service;;
printf "$i running\n";
The case statement in the middle is what is used to restart them, so you need to change these to suite the specific processes you are monitoring and wanting to restart.
Add an entry to the crontab
*/1 * * * * root /root/scripts/ > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
This will attempt to restart the process if it's down. It won't tell you why it's down, and if it won't restart, you will get notified every 1 minute until you can figure why it's down and broken.